treated felt

英 [ˈtriːtɪd felt] 美 [ˈtriːtɪd felt]

网络  油毡



  1. Gallup asked about 1,000 people in each of 148 countries if they were well-rested, had been treated with respect, smiled or laughed a lot, learned or did something interesting and felt feelings of enjoyment the previous day.
  2. While I was an independent inspector of the company, the startup team treated me as one of them, and I felt part of a "company team" for the first time.
  3. Felt bad about letting the team down; was sorry that she had treated him so badly; felt bad about breaking the vase.
  4. She said that she had been treated so roughly by the hospital staff that she felt violated.
  5. The basic problem was that the Chinese were not treated as equals and felt humiliated.
  6. But the villagers treated us like heroes, and for a brief moment, I felt that all the fear and danger had been worthwhile.
  7. Treated water from activated carbon adsorption tower entered the reverse osmosis system through a filter to remove salt and rudimental organics. Filter felt make up of fire resistant and antistatic fibre is trial produced, it is safe and durable in use for com-pound dust filter.
  8. On the contrary, the composite with 1 000 ℃ heat treated felt showed pseudo plastic fracture pattern after carbonized at 600 ℃ and 1 000 ℃, respectively, and accompanied by the phenomenon of fiber pull out.
  9. Activation Mechanism Study of Electrochemical Treated Graphite Felt for Vanadium Redox Cell by Electrochemical Impedance Spectrum
  10. Patients treated with carvedilol of 40 mg/ d felt dizzy, chest obstructive and breathless, and then dropped out of the trial. The incidence of side-effects was 3 6%.
  11. Among 10 patients who were treated conservatively, all patients had deformity of pelvis, 6 cases felt pain of sacro-iliac joint. 3 cases were insensible on lower limbs, 2 cases had a claudication.
  12. Graphite felt was treated with potassium permanganate solution, and the effect of concentration and bath temperature on graphite felt performance was experimentally investigated. The results showed that the hydrophilicity was improved due to the appearance of surfactant group on the surface of graphite felt.